January 13, 2017

Afraid of Friday the 13th?

Don’t Worry – Get a Worry Stone

Many people can be superstitious and Friday the 13th just adds to their fears.  Bad movies, books, and short stories have scared many a sole into believing that Friday the 13th is a bad day.  It’s a good day, full of authenticity and calm seas.  If you’re one of those folks that fear the 13th I have a gift for you.  A worry stone. 

Worry stones originated in European cultures, including Indian cultures, and have continued to this day.  The Irish Worry stone is oval, about 1 3/8 x 2 inches and you can worry about 2 things at a time on this agate stone.  You can make your own worry stone, but better yet is to find one.  River skipping rocks make excellent worry stones.

Use of worry stones is one of many folk practices.  The simple movement of your thumb over the stone creates a sympathetic reaction that soothers the nerves and calms down the heart rate.  Many over-active children have been given worry stones to help with their attention span in class.

How can you get a worry stone?

Of course, you can buy them.  Many of the metaphysical stores stock them in gemstones with or without words or pictures.  We’ve sold many over the years and the ones with symbols seem to be the most popular.  You can then attribute any word you like to them. Better yet, find a worry stone.  Next time you’re walking along the shoreline, or near the river or stream, look for a flat skipping rock.  They make wonderful worry stones.

How should you use a worry stone?

Keep it in your pocket and rub on it whenever you find yourself in distress.  Over time, you’ll find yourself automatically reaching for the stone to comfort you in stressful situations.  This is a good habit.   It will help you access what bothers you and help you overcome some of your fears.

Is there a saying or poem for the worry stone?

The Irish poem for the worry stone goes like this:

I’m your little Worry Stone,

Please keep me close to you.

So when life gives you blues or troubles,

This is what you do.

Wrap your hand around me,

Give me a rub and say.

Be gone all worries and sadness,

for today will be a wonderful day.


It will be much harder to worry about Friday the 13th.